Good morning. Thank you for subscribing to Prompted! I’m excited to share this new project and hope it can help you begin a new journaling habit or strengthen your existing practice.
My goal is for this weekly email to find you with a pen in hand ready to scribble down some thoughts and develop more clarity from everything bouncing around in your head. Below you’ll find a quote, my thoughts, journaling prompts, and related resources to this week’s theme: Intentionality.
One last note before I leave you to it. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the content and format of the newsletter! If you have any suggestions or just want to say hello, please don’t be afraid to hit reply. Thanks again!
“Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others’ choices make us.”
- Richie Norton
Do you feel like you’re being pulled in countless directions throughout the day? Constantly bouncing from one task to the next, but never feeling like you’ve gotten anything done.
Between multiple priorities and a constant barrage of incoming notifications, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of each day. One task leads into another and another and suddenly there are only a few hours before you have to wake up and do it all over again. Even if you’re completing important work, days like this feel like you’re caught in a riptide treading water instead of swimming purposefully in one direction.
The difference between a fulfilling day and a hectic whirlwind of activity is intentionality.
Even if the same work gets done by the end of the day, intentionally deciding what you will do and when you will do it empowers you to take control of your day. That said, protecting your time, saying no, and executing your plan each day is easier said than done. There are constant distractions pulling us to other priorities, but intentionally deciding what’s important and following through on your commitments will replace a feeling of bewilderment with fulfillment.
How are others deciding your priorities for you?
What intentional action will make tomorrow a fulfilling day?
How can you adjust your life to include more intentional action?
Related Resources
Deep Work by Cal Newport
Hi Kevin, I just found this newsletter and love the concept!